Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sick dayzz .....

So the Hubster has been working CRAZY hours lately .... Like he got 72hours of work just last week.... CrAzY!!!
As we rolled into bed together at 11pm last night, after he got home, I said, " I wish we had a whole day to spend together!"
...... Well I got my wish in a sick & twisted & miserable way .....
at 2:00AM Emma started off the spewing! After showering her, changing her bedding, & starting a load of laundry the good 'ol Hubby started in on the "fun"! ----- YUCK!!!
After cleaning & comforting him, we finally drifted to sleep just in time for my lil Baby Boy to come in my room bawling ---- yep, another one bit the dust!!! :(
The spewing of the 3 of them went on through the rest of the morning/night ---- with many loads of laundry piling up!!!
At about 5:45 I made 2 trips outside in the FREEZING cold so Hubby could get info to his boss about the job that he's supposed to finish up tomorrow --- yep, HUGE deadline & he is out of commission today!!
Needless to say this has been an unplanned absolute LAZY SICKY day!!!
Em slept until 10:30 .... Kye & Daddy have faded in n' out all day long & I am on my 5th batch of laundry with MORE to come ..... :(
Zach & I haven't succommed to the spewing as of now .... Thank Goodness!
I think it's food poisoning ---- :( Yep, I think our dinner last night made them all sick --- I feel terrible that I poisoned my family!!!! :(
At least I have an excuse to sit/lay around with my 3 cute Kidd-o's!!! They melt my heart & I wish I could magically make all 5 of us be back up to par!!!! ....... Hopefully TOMORROW!


Ashley Ferguson Moreno said...

What did you make for heavens sake???

Anonymous said...

I would love to snuggle with those cute faces!