Friday, June 3, 2011

Let the L-A-Z-Y days of SUMMER ,,,


We have now had over a week of "SUMMER" , but we have ENJOYED it!

Not that we had much of a schedule before, but now it's EVEN less!!

So we sleep in LATE without a care in the world!!

{& yes, my kids SLEEP-IN!!!}

We lay around the house if we wanna ... BECAUSE WE CAN!!!We have picnics every day that it's NICE outside ...

{PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE weather PLEASE cooperate with our shorten summer schedule!}
Sometimes we have to get SOME yard work done ... Luckily I have GOOD helpers!

BUT we will DEFINENTLY have many hours FULL of FUN!!!!


SuMmEr ... even if your SHORT, we'll STILL enjoy ya!!!


Charisse said...

It's been so wonderful since the sun came out! We hope you guys will spend some of your short summer with us!!

Ashley Ferguson Moreno said...

You can come and spend some of your summer with us...oh wait:(