Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chickens, Chickens, Chickens ...

About 2 weeks ago we made it down to the Jacobson's & got 2 of their full grown chickens that they no longer wanted. We ... I ... was really excited to be able to start having eggs right AWAY since our babies won't start laying until October or November.

For some reason I don't have a very good picture of them, although we have spent MANY, MANY, MANY hours staring at them ... I'll work on that!

Kye loves to go over there & just watch them ... he usually giggles & laughs at all their noises!

So here's the best photo ... Pretty CRAPPY, I know!

We have named one so far ... OREO & are still working on a suitable name for the other.

We got our first egg the very next day!Our kids ask EVERY morning, first thing, if they can go check for eggs!

We usually get 2 a day, although Oreo hasn't consistently given us an egg everyday she is getting better.

Funny Story:

So we got our 2 lovely chickens on a Saturday & had been told that there was NO WAY our chickens could get under the slats we had around the bottom & that we didn't need to chicken wire it.

Well, Sunday morning they were in their chicken coop, but by the time we got home from church they were G-O-N-E!!!!

Emma came inside BAWLING & needless to say I was FURIOUS! I was really looking forward to the eggs!!!

Alan & I both looked multiple times around our yard & house for them to no avail! Finally about 3 hours later, Alan looked in the right SPOT & found them ... under a snowmobile on our side yard.

For the next 30 minutes Alan & I chased our chickens around & around our backyard trying to catch them. I was TERRIFIED of them & really wasn't much help! I'm sure our neighbors had a GOOOD LAUGH if they were watching!

(which I KNOW one of them was watching cause she came out just before we caught the last one to offer her husband & teenage son to help us!)

I was so glad they were safe & sound & back in their HOME SWEET HOME!!!!!

& YES, I have LOVED being a CHIKCEN farmer thus far!!!!


Anna said...

FUN!!! I want chickens too! (for the eggs of course!) :-)