Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Happenings ---

--- That really don't need thier OWN post ---

We did A LOT during the month of Decmeber.

We had to keep busy cause Emma was off-track & Daddy was outta TOWN!

So here's what we did ---

-Drank Hot Co-co

-Visited 3 Santas

{the picture on here is the REAL Santa & Emma was so Happy that we were able to find him at Grandma & Grandpa Fergy's Ward Christmas Party!}-We had LATE nights at G&G Fergy's house before several trips to the airport to pick-up Daddy for the weekend.

-We hung-up Christmas lights

-Went to see Arthur's Chrismtas as a FAMILY in the movie-ator

{good MOVIE!!}

-Went to Squire's Christmas Party where there was YUMMY food & a BONUS for me!! {& Alan of course, but I have NEVER received my OWN bonus!}

-We got to go to the Madsen's Christmas Party where cousins acted out the nativity-& we got PRESENTS!-We even got to make SNOW angels despite the LACK of Snow we have gotten!-We made many Chrismtas crafts & colored many Chrismtas pictures for Santa

{our tree had a pile of paper under it for the whole month ... I didn't take a picture UGH!!!}

-We visited the magical Elves at Gardner Village-We went & looked at the DARLING windows at the Grand America Hotel {where silly Mommy forgot her camera, so maybe sometime I'll get those pictures on here}

-We got to spend LOTS of PRECIOUS time with Aunt Ashley{yes, Ash is the best Twinster EVA & made Emma & I matching headbands! She also did Emma's hair the night we slept-over at Mom's & Emma has since deemed Ash as a much better hair doer than me ... I'm perfectly ok with that!}-& Uncle Luis!And Lastly:

-we made cookies with Daddy!
It was a GLORIOUS December with LATE nights, lots of Redbox movies, no schedule, no Daddy for a lot of the month, but LOTS of Fabulous F-U-N!
{Here's just the beginning to my CATCH-UP posts!!! :) }