Monday, December 6, 2010

Gobble Gobble until you Wobble ...

Thanksgiving ... Oh, how I LOVE thee!!
I love the excuse to eat, and eat, and eat and everyone else is doing it, so you don't look like such a PIG!!!
Well, this Thanksgiving I thought it would be an excellent idea to start the day off with a RACE, so I could EAT more later ... good idea!?!?
Well, it might've been if it wasn't RECORD BREAKING COLD!!! Brrrrr ....
The morning leading up to Thanksgiving I was really wishing I hadn't signed up for a RACE!!!
As I woke up Thanksgiving morning knowing they weren't going to CANCEL the race, I peeled myself outta bed to go RUN.
And it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.
Once I got running I warmed right up and even wished I hadn't been so layered ... Oh well, better to be WARM then FREEZING while running!!!
So here's the CANDID shot I got of us 3 BRAVE runners before the race started ...We enjoyed our lil' Turkey Trot!!!
Then it was back home to get ready, have naps, prepare an appitizer, and head to Grandpa and Grandma Ferguson's for a FEAST!!!
My husband almost lost his life to the meat musher and a CrAzY mother-in-law, but at least he was spared and the FEAST was able to carry-on!!We had so much food it didn't even fit on our LARGE dinning room table ... CRAZY ... YES!The kids were as excited as I was to eat ... YUMM-O!Here's the kids table:This was supposed to be the "GROWN-UP" table, but as you can tell a bunch of KIDS sat there!Here's another table:At last the REAL grown-ups found there spots at a table for 2!!!And here's the Baby Section:
Kye did have a spot to eat by us, but chose to eat quickly so he could GRAZE by the other cousins.A kid after my own heart ...{Shove everything in as quickly as possible so we can eat more ... & no he didn't choke!!!}
Later Julie, Dennis, and Afton blessed us with their presence and we enjoyed DESSERT:Oh look at my STUDLY brother and me:Then the ladies got together and EXCHANGED their ornaments for the year.
{We all make/buy an ornament according to whatever theme we choose and exchange them on Thanksgiving to put on our trees. This year the theme was BALLS.}{Silly Megan, these are the priceless pictures I get of her 90% of the time!?!}
Then MIDNIGHT hit and off went all us CrAzY women to shop Black Friday.
I havn't done this in about 2 years, and really haven't done it since the stores open up ALL NIGHT, but it was FUN, FUN, FUN!!
Crazy, but FUN!!
We got good deals, good laughs, and most importantly our FREE snow globe from JC Penney!!
{Thanks Eskimo Momma, TD, & Thin Pants for the good time shopping --- Love, Fartsie!!!}
Bring on the Christmas Season ... But not TOO fast!!!


The Noble's said...

What a fun Thanksgiving! I got full just looking at all the food on your table! LOL!

Ashley Ferguson Moreno said...

Fartsie...what a perfect name for you. Wish I could've been with you all!