Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ahhhh ... I'm TIRED!!!

Isn't SUMMERTIME the best time of the year!!! You do so many things each and every day that at the end of the day the kids are TUCKERED out! We have been so busy doing so many things that it seems as if my kids have been EXTRA tired ... I am not complaining by any means. The quiet sound of my house is one of the most glorious times of the day. The only thing better than the quietness is going in and watching them sleep. I love watching my kids sleep and have peaceful dreams ...
SHHHHH: KIDS SLEEPING!!!I love that Emma and Zachary end up most nights in the same bed.
Alan or I move them when we go to bed, but it's so cute that they love each other that much that they don't want to be away from each other!

I LOVE, LOVE how Kye sleeps!
He is EVERYWHERE in his crib, plus the bonus feature of his sleeping is his THUMB SUCKING!
It's darling now, but I hope it won't last.
Ahhhh ... I love being a Mom of such CUTE KIDS!!!!
Sleep Tight, and Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!!!