As we start out another week we will do a short wrap-up of our fun-filled weekend.
Our Advent Calendar is STARTED!!!
We are TRYING to be UBERLY good!!
We are enjoying our “special” visitor this year….. Eddy the Elf!! {i’ve wanted to do this FOR.EV.ER!
We got to go to Grandma & Grandpa’s Fergy’s Ward Christmas Party where we got to see the {R}EAL Santa Claus …..AGAIN!!
Emma wants to know why their ward is so lucky to get him 2 years in a ROW!!??!!???
We also had a rockin’ good time Rockin’ Around the Christmas Trees at the Festival of Trees with our Medico Cousins!!
{it’s a crowded place, so the pics are a lil RANDOMLY & FASTLY taken!!}
This sweet tree with the Gingerbread houses was for our old Bishops Wife who died of Breast Cancer earlier this fall…. It was a GORGEOUS TREE!!!
We had a MarVELous weekend!! Daddy had to leave this morning for 2 jobs he needs to do in Montana….. he has to finish & be home Friday night so WE, him & I , can go to his work Christmas Party…. CRAZY week for him!!
This month I have the opportunity to teach Sharing time TWICE. Once was this week & then next time is right before Christmas. {I’m kinda excited to get to do a Christmas lesson!} Today was supposed to be on the birth of Christ, but since I’m gonna focus on that in 2 weeks for my Christmas Message I was okayed to do something else. I chose to talk about how we need to focus on what we can GIVE this holiday season. I felt like it was thrown together last minute, but it was amazing how it ALL fell into place. I KNOW that wasn’t by coincident!! My Heavenly Father wanted these little children to hear this message, so he inspired me to different tools to teach them with. Both is Junior & Senior Primary the lesson went well. I felt like the children GRASPED the concept I was teaching & the spirit was so strong I could barely speak! WOW, it was such a testimony to me that Heavenly Father, once again, truly KNOWS us & KNOWS what he wants us to say. Here is a message that I saw at my parents Christmas Party last night & KNEW I had to have it for my lesson….. I wanna share it on here cause it spoke so strongly to me & the primary children today.
Playing this movie was almost not possible to share in primary today, but Heavenly Father KNEW how much it meant to me to be able to share this with the kids & knew the effects it would have on the kids, so he made it possible through very techy brethren in our ward. It’s an AWESOME video …..& a great reminder of what the REAL meaning of Christmas is!!!
I love that video!
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