Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blogger Woes ....

I have truly tried blogging for 2 days straight & what to my wondering eyes should appear .... NOTHING!!!!!
....... 5 HOURS ...... Long, Torturous Hours Yesterday & NOTHING!!! Ugh ..... Blogger Bugs!!!!
Soooooooo ---- hopefully you'll get to hear from me SOON. Cause I have so much to catch up & & soooo much to say!!! :)
{don't worry --- I have been writing in my journal like mad lately --- well really since I stopped blogging. Sometimes being able to do things in my bed makes it more appealing!! :) Yep, I love being in my bed at night .... Not sitting on a hard computer chair. Remember my tailbone incident --- Yesiree it STILL hurts!!! :(}
Until blogger on my computer cooperates you'll have to suffice with a few pics, probably 1/2 cut-off cause for some reason my phone does that, for now.
Thanks for "listening" to my RANT!!


Ashley Ferguson Moreno said...

What's with all the kitchen stuff in a box?

Amber Madsen said...

That is a RANDOM picture ... It's all my canning stuff put away meaning: I'm done canning!!!