As December is upon us, we have started our wonderful holiday season with HAPPY memories!The Friday after Thanksgiving is the annual day to set up our Christmas Decor. It was filled with LOTS of HELPING HANDS! We had fun decorating our tree together and as you can see both kids were REALLY into the whole experience! If our tree doesn't LOOSE its fascination factor SOON, we might be UNDECORATING it and TAKING IT DOWN!! I know bah-humbug, but I am tired of BROKEN ORNAMENTS and kids standing on CHAIRS to reach ANYTHING and EVERYTHING they want!!
Here is Zachary helping with the decorating part. He loved that ball ornament in his hand and wouldn't let go of it. Needless to say that was broken ornament #1, no suprise!!!
This is Emma in front of the finished product. She had fun decorating, but all the ornaments she hung had to be moved to the top half once curious brother and sister wouldn't leave them alone! I love my tree!
On Sunday we decided we better go downtown to see the lights or we might not make it this year. We had a fun time as a family seeing the lights and part of my family joined us for the fun traditional outing.
Our little family in front of a manager scene.
I guess we didn't place ourselves so you could see the scene very well, but OH WELL!
Emma LOVED the lights, but especially loved the Manger Scenes. After we were all done seeing the lights she asked if we could go back and see Baby Jesus again. Of course you can't turn that down, so we went back to the main manger scene and she sat on Alan's shoulders and listened to the WHOLE story being told. It was cute to watch how inthralled she was over it!
Zachary liked the lights, but got tired of being in his stroller. My siblings tried numerous times to keep him entertained and then offered to take him out, but I wouldn't let him. Eventually Uncle Davey just took him out and Zach loved runnin' around.
This year I decided that each day until Christmas our kids would get to open one present. I have TONS of books that I have collected and kept in boxes to give to them someday. I decided that we would have an Advent Book Countdown to Christmas this year. We have opened 2 books so far and both of my kids have LOVED it!
Here's Day 1
As you can see Emma LOVES books and Zachary didn't really understand what to do with the paper that was hiding his book.
Eventually his sister helped him open his book and they carried them around with them the rest of the day. I think I read each book at least 10 times, but it's been a fun time to share with them!!!
We are excited for our Christmas bundle to arrive and hope that it will be the NEXT thing we post about! Until then, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
How fun! Brandon and I want to take the kids there this year! We haven't been there since I was prego with our first (Jocelyn Ruth). I'm glad that you guys had fun!:)
You are such a fun mom!
What a cute idea! Looks like it's a fun time at your house!
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