Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Believe it or NOT!

Well BELIEVE IT!! Last night we had CRAZY winds sweep through out neighborhood!! Alan and I heard the wind as we were going upstairs and we looked out our bedroom window and realized our swingset was GONE. We ran downstairs and opened our sliding door and to our utter surprise our swingset had been thrown about 30 feet and was on it's side. The swing bar that held three swings was totally broken into pieces, but Alan thinks it's fixable. It is a really heavy swingset and I can't believe the wind was able to pick it up and throw it that far! Crazy weather of UTAH!! Hopefully the SNOW goes away soon and our swingset it fixable so we can enjoy it in the WARMER weather!!


Cyndie said...

That wind was crazy. I can't believe it blew over the swing set though!!!!