Monday, June 2, 2014

Zach's 6th Birthday

We had such a great day celebrating our cute Zachary. Grandma Ferguson came a few days early to celebrate & give him his gift. We always appreciate her new outfits. It's fun to receive them early because then we have something DARLING to wear on their birthday!

He was so excited it was finally HIS birthday!
I had a rough day of not feeling the best, but luckily I had a wonderful daughter to help out with a few things. 
Of course Zachary loved all his gifts. He is easy to please even though I have a hard time picking out gifts for him. He's not a toy player which makes it tricky, but with the help of a husband & friends I found his perfect gift! 

Since the day was not the day I had planned we opted for an easy-peasy cake. He was THRILLED with it! 

We love our Zachary! He brings such a happiness & positive energy to our home. He may have the loudest voice of our family, but he also has the biggest most sensitive heart! I feel so honored to be his Mommy! He's such a great example!