Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What’s the Flavor of our Baby?

So I found out about a week before my BIG Ultrasound I found out Emma had her First Grade Play… I couldn’t miss that so I changed my Ultrasound Date.  This meant Alan couldn’t be there, so I went by myself.  I was a little nervous to go by myself cause of the unknown of everything, but in the end our lil bundle checked out to be PERFECT!  It’s always nice to see EVERYTHING your supposed to see in this Ultrasound & have a little more peace in your pregnancy!!  (This being my 4th, I WORRIED a LOT about EVERYTHING!) So, when it came to revealing the gender I was the ONLY one to know….I wouldn’t tell Alan.  (Yep, I’m kinda a meany of a wife….hehehe :)) So I revealed it to ALL of them at the same time…. Enjoy the pictures….. IMG_7276 IMG_7322 IMG_7327 IMG_7355 IMG_7356 IMG_7357 IMG_7358 IMG_7359 IMG_7360 IMG_7361 IMG_7362 IMG_7363 IMG_7364  IMG_7367

Yes, it was DEVASTATING to Emma.  It broke Alan & I’s hearts! Yes, we KNEW in the end she would LOVE & ADORE this baby, but it was hard cause she wanted a Sister SOOOOO BADLY!! All that day if I really thought about it I would BURST into tears.  It was hard to hold that secret to myself.  I wanted my Lil Girl to be the happiest Lil Girl, but I KNEW it would be sad for her.  Our BOYS were THRILLED!  They proceeded to JUMP around the front room.  I don’t know at this point if there will be “another baby”, but I’ve already told Emma that IF there was it’d be a Boy!  Her reply is: “It’s worth a TRY!” She is the Sweetest!!!

We are excited for October to come & get to see this bundle ALL THE TIME!!!!