Emma is our resident Princess! Every day she wakes up and the first thing she does is dress herself in a dress, put her crown on, and load on the jewelry! That's also the first thing she does when she wakes up from naps, since I make her take off the jewelry for bed time. She even insists on having PRINCESS hair done everyday! She has a very specific criteria for Princess hair, so that is why it's done the SAME EVERY DAY! For those of you who have just bobbed over to my house unexpected, I am sure you have witnessed my princess all decked out, hopefully she was at least MODEST!
This isn't the "prettiest" picture of her in her Princess get-up, but it's CLASSIC! This is how she looked one day after nap time! Luckily Daddy was there to catch the moment of Perfection! Not only is the crown upside down, but the look is PRICELESS!
Even Zachary has caught the FEVER, with the help of his Sister! She puts the crown on his head and for some reason he is ALWAYS Priness Jasmine. Well, I have informed her that boys are Prince Charming's not Princess's. So now she calls him Prince Jasmine. . . Whatever works!!!
Daddy has also caught the FEVER!! He got the Princess Crown on his snomobliling helmet, thanks to an unknown princess! Unfortuanately he didn't wear is on his helmet the WHOLE day of snowmobiling!! That would hav been quite the statement! (However, I think he has his own Princess Statement to make as he PROUDLY Prances around the Job Site, every day, with a PINK Hard Hat with some feather little thing hanging off of it!!! Someday I will get a picture of that TOO!!!)
Yesterday we went shopping and found some stick on earrings, pretty hair accessories, and a Priness Tu-Tu! She has now resorted to wearing somewhat NORMAL clothes!!!
The last thing we found shopping yesterday were these princess slippers!! She was in LOVE the moment she set eyes on them!! The moment I saw them I knew they were not something that I buy, because I think they are too expensive. I tried to calm her down by saying we had lovely dress up princess shows at home in many colors, but she wouldn't stand for it. . . Finally I looked at the price tag and to my PLEASANT surprise these Princess Slippers were a Perfect Princess Price. . . $1.00!!! YIPEE!!!! She loves them, and I know they will be well worth the $1 I spent on them!!!!
I love all the PRINCESS'S I have in my family!!!